Smoke and Mirrors: Gender Representation in North American Tobacco and Alcohol Advertisements Before 1950
Cheryl Krasnick Warsh
Historians looking back at North America in the twentieth century will be hardpressed
to reconstruct its cultural dimensions without making reference to liquor,
cigarettes, and advertising. In promoting alcohol to women, the purveyors of mass
culture eliminated much of the stigma of female alcohol consumption. Tobacco
consumption by women did not suffer the disgrace of alcohol, yet it infringed on
masculine rituals and spaces. The freedom of women to smoke and drink was an
inevitable development of the culture of consumerism. Cigarettes were inexpensive
and instantly recognizable as emblems of maturity, rebellion, and liberty;
advertisers used images of glamour, wealth, and sophistication to promote public
drinking and those of domesticity and companionate marriage to encourage
household consumption. For both habits, freedom came to be equated with the use
of public space, or more precisely female incursions into male public space.