Les juristes en réaction contre le désordre conjugal des masses : la « crise du mariage » en débat (1900–1940)
Paula Cossart
From the early twentieth century to the Second World War, marriage in France
underwent significant changes that were accompanied by a general reflection on
what was described as a marriage crisis. We look at how the debate was structured,
within the legal community, around ways to counteract this crisis. This debate
tended to be split between two positions: “reactionary” and “progressive”. Some
writers expressed the desire for a rollback of legislation; others thought the law
should evolve to allow for the fact that society was not unchanging. This division cut
across opposing viewpoints on the relationship between law and morals. We analyze
the role of factors outside the law by examining three levels of argumentation: that
surrounding morality and religion; that invoking the lessons of the humanities and
social sciences; and the level that, ultimately, played on social fears.