The Black Population of Canada West on the Eve of the
American Civil War: A Reassessment Based on the Manuscript
Census of 1861
Michael Wayne
Enumerators' schedules from the 1861 census for Canada West provide evidence
that contradicts the popular view of the fugitive slave as the central figure of
nineteenth-century black history in the province. The census suggests that historians
have exaggerated the size of the black population, significantly overstated the
proportion who were fugitives from slavery, underestimated the degree to which
blacks were dispersed throughout the province, and misrepresented the extent of
return migration. By 1861 blacks had made their way to all corners of Canada
West and had become an integral part of the provincial economy. More than half
were from the United States, but contrary to popular opinion they were mainly free
blacks, not runaway slaves. While they experienced persistent discrimination in
Canada, most chose to remain when the Civil War ended.