Agréger les marges : le Rassemblement démocratique révolutionnaire, ses militants et ses militantes (1948–1950)


  • Bastien Amiel Institut de sciences sociales du politique (Université Paris Nanterre — CNRS — ENS Paris Saclay)



Under the banner of the Rassemblement démocratique révolutionnaire (Democratic Revolutionary Rally, RDR), the activists examined in this article were a heterogenous group. Indeed, the members of the RDR tried to form in France a political organization that refused to take position in favour of either the Western or Soviet blocs at the beginning of the Cold War. Based on a collective sociobiography, this article views the formation of the RDR from the perspective of the lives of its activists who were drawn from the ranks of the then divergent non-communist left. By reconstructing the individual and collective logics that make up the actualized militant tendencies within the group, the author argues that the diversity of the careers of its members made the RDR a possibility and a necessity.

Author Biography

Bastien Amiel, Institut de sciences sociales du politique (Université Paris Nanterre — CNRS — ENS Paris Saclay)

enseignant, membre de l’Institut de sciences sociales du politique (Université Paris Nanterre — CNRS — ENS Paris Saclay).

