The Bohemian Census of 1651 and the Position of Inmates
Sheilagh C. Ogilvie
Marcus Cerman
To re-Catholicize Bohemia after the Thirty Years' War, the Austrian Habsburgs
commissioned, in 1651, a population list according to religious belief, which
generated census-type lists for many communities. A research team is constructing
and analyzing a database consisting of the 1651 census, the 1654 tax register, the
1680 tax revisitation, and the 1711-1748 Theresian cadaster for five feudal domains
of Bohemia. One phenomenon that has been observed in the 1651 census sample
is the large population of inmates living in the households of others. The authors
use the census itself, village land records, and feudal court minutes to explore
alternative explanations for the existence of inmates, including inheritance customs,
land scarcity, and feudal dues.